Former Student & Graduate of KWC (Pelham, Alabama | USA)
A truly yielded vessel, powerful preacher of the gospel, and anointed teacher of truth, Tim Beck consistently points the spotlight back on the only One worthy of our attention, worship, adoration and praise. Every opportunity Tim has to minister, he leaves everything on the table like there is no tomorrow. A man of high character, who says what he means and always means to represent the heart of our Father, Tim lives his life for the approval of One. As a graduate of King's Way College, I am forever changed and more in love with Jesus than ever after being under Tim's leadership. I thought I already loved Jesus quite a lot! Then I met Tim Beck. His worship will provoke you, his message will challenge you, his passion will ignite you. If you're feeling satisfied with you current level of devotion to the Lord and want a n ear tickling message that leaves you there and doesn't call you up higher into the more than God has for you, then don't invite Tim Beck. But if you're hungry for God, if you're willing to let the Lord wake up the warrior within you, if you know there's more available but you just don't know how to get there, consider having Tim come and minister and get ready to have your world completely rocked and transformed for the sake of the gospel.
Bethany Beck, mighty, mighty, mighty, in God. There's a fire that burns in Bethany's bones, a fire that will not be quenched. She lives and moves and has her being in Him, the lover of her soul. Full of wisdom and passion for her King, she ministers from a place of yielded power. Known in Heaven and feared by the devils on earth, Bethany ministers with conviction, overflowing with truth from the Word. A quiet dam ready to burst, she releases powerfully from a place of personal devotion to the Lord. Bethany Beck hears clearly from the Lord and He trusts her with His secrets. Are you interested in knowing the Lord's heart, ready to draw in closer to know Him more intimately? If so, then consider having Bethany come and minister. The Lord loves to reveal Himself when Bethany Beck opens her mouth to let His words out.
Tim Beck plus Bethany Beck equals multiplied souls for the Kingdom. Individually, powerful ministers of the gospel; together they push back the kingdom of darkness while forcefully advancing the Kingdom of Light. Each carrying their own difference-making gifts and anointings, together Tim and Bethany release a dynamic explosion of truth, passion, miracles, prophecy, surrender and intercession. Jesus take the stage when Tim and Bethany minister. They become as nothing and He is everything, as He should be. The focus is always the face of Jesus! I would recommend every church, ministry, street corner, tent revival and home gathering have Tim and Bethany Beck come and minister. You'll never be the same. Jesus will be lifted high and rightly placed on the throne of your heart, your church and your ministry.